Retaxis is built on .net with MSSql as backend and WCF API’s as the middle layer.

Retaxis is built to support large traffic of Data and can support up to 2 million page views each day on a single server. Retaxis is built in a way that it can be decoupled and hosted on 5 different servers at one time thus allowing you to cater to high traffic and still get a page load time of under 5 seconds.

Technology structure

Things that make us stand out better than our competition are :

Retaxis is Cloud Ready

you can choose vertical or horizontal scaling clouds.

Retaxis had advanced Cache controls

this helps us to achieve a page load time of fewer than 5 seconds and can be controlled from admin.

Retaxis is CDN Ready

you can implement a CDN (content delivery network) right from the first day to get better speed.

Retaxis is SSL Ready

a requirement that will soon become mandatory for SEO of your website.

Retaxis is SEO Friendly

all the pages have a unique SEO friendly URL with options by which you can manage titles, meta, or descriptions from your panel. In case you do not then it will automatically create the same.

Retaxis is Built to Scale

unlike other software you can decouple Retaxis to host it on one server or 5 different servers at one time.

pricewar page load

Check out GTMetrix Rating for one of the websites created by us.
Click on the image to expand.


If you have an ecommerce store where you are facing issues with ecommerce online marketplace we can help you analyse the reason behind the same.